Cal. Ed. Code § 44066
A governing board of any school district or a county board of education or a county superintendent of schools or other appointing authority shall not require an employee or applicant to possess any certification, license, or other credential unless the possession of such a certification, license, or other credential is required by statute or is based upon a bona fide occupational qualification.
It is the intent of the Legislature that any person who had served in a position for which certification, license, or other credential not necessitated by statute or bona fide occupational qualification, had been required, and in a position which was designated by the governing board as a position requiring certification qualifications, shall be deemed to be an employee in a position requiring certification qualifications for as long as he or she holds such position and it is further the intent of the Legislature that such position shall be deemed to be a certificated position for as long as such person holds such position.
Ca. Educ. Code § 44066