Subchapter 4 - DISTRIBUTION
- Section 3-2-401 - Purpose
- Section 3-2-402 - Scope of subchapter
- Section 3-2-403 - Spirituous and vinous beverages - Registration of brands and labels - Designation of licensed wholesaler - Definition
- Section 3-2-404 - Request to change wholesalers - Contents of application
- Section 3-2-405 - Request to change wholesalers - Notice - Objections - Hearing - Disposition of proceedings
- Section 3-2-406 - Request to change wholesalers - Hearing - Time - Findings - Appeal
- Section 3-2-407 - Request to change wholesalers - Automatic approval
- Section 3-2-408 - Acquisition of right to sell, ship, or distribute label
- Section 3-2-409 - Beer, malt products, or light wine
- Section 3-2-410 - Terms and conditions of agreements with wholesaler binding on successor
- Section 3-2-411 - Subchapter incorporated into division approvals - Applicability - Waiver
- Section 3-2-412 - Dual distributorship prohibited - Definition
- Section 3-2-413 - Labels for confectionaries containing nonliquid alcohol
- Section 3-2-414 - Minimum container size of spirituous liquor