Section 20-77-307 - Assignment to Department of Human Services of rights of recovery(a) As a condition of eligibility, every Medicaid applicant shall automatically assign his or her right to any settlement, judgment, or award which may be obtained against any third party to the Department of Human Services to the full extent of any amount which may be paid by Medicaid for the benefit of the applicant.(b) The application for Medicaid benefits shall, in itself, constitute an assignment by operation of law.(c) The assignment shall be considered a statutory lien on any settlement, judgment, or award received by the recipient from a third party.(d) Every Medicaid applicant, as a condition of eligibility, shall cooperate in establishing paternity, except for good cause shown, for a child born out of wedlock for whom the recipient can legally assign rights, in obtaining medical care, support, and payments for himself or herself or any other person for whom the individual can legally assign rights, and in identifying and providing information to assist the department and the Office of Child Support Enforcement in pursuing any liable third party.Acts 1981, No. 500, § 5; A.S.A. 1947, § 83-171.6; Acts 1987, No. 463, § 5; 1993, No. 1242, § 7.