- Section 2-40-801 - Definitions
- Section 2-40-802 - Penalties and fines
- Section 2-40-803 - [Repealed]
- Section 2-40-804 - Testing requirements for domiciled equidae
- Section 2-40-805 - Equidae identification requirements
- Section 2-40-806 - Authority to require test
- Section 2-40-807 - Personnel authorized to collect blood samples
- Section 2-40-808 - Submission of sample and test charts
- Section 2-40-809 - Requirements for Arkansas-approved equine infectious anemia testing laboratories
- Section 2-40-810 - Classification of equidae tested
- Section 2-40-811 - Reporting of test results
- Section 2-40-812 - Quarantines
- Section 2-40-813 - Quarantining reactors
- Section 2-40-814 - Positive reactors at official racetracks
- Section 2-40-815 - Testing requirements in affected herds
- Section 2-40-816 - Movement of reactors and exposed animals
- Section 2-40-817 - Requirements for quarantined holding facilities
- Section 2-40-818 - Fictitious names and erroneous information
- Section 2-40-819 - Testing requirements for change of ownership
- Section 2-40-820 - Movement of equidae through approved market
- Section 2-40-821 - Requirements of equidae participating in equine activities
- Section 2-40-822 - General requirements for equidae entering Arkansas
- Section 2-40-823 - Requirements of equidae moving within the state
- Section 2-40-824 - Entry requirements to a veterinarian's clinic for care or treatment
- Section 2-40-825 - Entry requirements to an approved slaughter facility
- Section 2-40-826 - Equine infectious anemia services
- Section 2-40-827 - [Repealed]
- Section 2-40-828 - [Repealed]
- Section 2-40-829 - Research facility certification required