Subchapter 2 - BRAND REGISTRY
- Section 2-34-201 - Definitions
- Section 2-34-202 - [Repealed]
- Section 2-34-203 - Conflicts of brands
- Section 2-34-204 - [Repealed]
- Section 2-34-205 - Custody of county brand records
- Section 2-34-206 - State Brand Book
- Section 2-34-207 - Notification to registrants
- Section 2-34-208 - Registration of brands
- Section 2-34-209 - Brands reserved to state
- Section 2-34-210 - Sale of book
- Section 2-34-211 - Book as evidence of ownership
- Section 2-34-212 - Transfers of registered brands
- Section 2-34-213 - [Repealed]
- Section 2-34-214 - Contracts for administration