Subchapter 3 - LICENSING
- Section 17-88-301 - License required
- Section 17-88-302 - Qualifications of applicants
- Section 17-88-303 - Issuance pursuant to examination
- Section 17-88-304 - Examinations
- Section 17-88-305 - Reciprocity
- Section 17-88-306 - Temporary licenses
- Section 17-88-307 - Reregistration
- Section 17-88-308 - Display of license or renewal certificate
- Section 17-88-309 - Denial, revocation, or suspension - Grounds
- Section 17-88-310 - Denial, revocation, or suspension - Proceedings
- Section 17-88-311 - Unlawful practice - Injunction
- Section 17-88-312 - Unlawful use of professional title - Penalty