Article 4 - CAPITAL
- Section 6-422 - Types of capital; personal property
- Section 6-423 - Accounts
- Section 6-424 - Shares of guaranty capital; nature; consideration
- Section 6-425 - Shares of guaranty capital; authorization of issuance; minimum amount
- Section 6-426 - Shares of guaranty capital; rights of existing shareholders
- Section 6-427 - Shares of guaranty capital; advertisement; sales; collection of subscription
- Section 6-428 - Retirement or reduction of shares of guaranty capital
- Section 6-429 - Issuance, delivery, and transfer of certificates and account books
- Section 6-430 - Who may hold capital and membership
- Section 6-432 - Effect of payment to minor or fiduciary
- Section 6-433 - Payment on disability or death of holder in his own right of account
- Section 6-434 - Shares and accounts of certain associations as legal investments; deposit of fiduciary monies
- Section 6-435 - Voluntary withdrawal of accounts
- Section 6-436 - Maturity of shares
- Section 6-437 - Enforced retirement of accounts
- Section 6-438 - Authorized charges applicable to members
- Section 6-439 - Accounts subject to liens
- Section 6-440 - Apportionment of profits
- Section 6-442 - Dividends and interest
- Section 6-443 - Bonus plans
- Section 6-444 - Promotional activities prohibited; definitions