Section 5-392 - Seizure and forfeiture of watercraftA. Peace officers, in the manner provided in title 13, chapter 39: 1. May seize any watercraft and its trailer if the watercraft displays a fictitious, falsified or altered number or annual decal, or an annual decal from which the accountability or expiration numbers have been intentionally removed or partially removed. This paragraph does not apply to a boat owner or an authorized agent who removes decals or boat numbers for routine maintenance or repair.2. May seize for forfeiture any watercraft which has had a manufacturer's hull identification number, mark or label or any engine, outdrive, lower unit or power trim number intentionally removed, partially removed, falsified or altered.B. Allocation of watercraft seized for forfeiture pursuant to subsection A, paragraph 2 of this section shall follow the provisions of section 13-4315, except that if the forfeited property is sold by public or otherwise commercially reasonable sale the expenses of keeping and selling the property and the amount of all valid interests established by claimants shall first be paid out of the proceeds of the sale and the balance shall be deposited, pursuant to sections 35-146 and 35-147, in the state general fund.