- Section 5-395 - Operating or in actual physical control of a motorized watercraft while under the influence; violation; classification; definition
- Section 5-395.01 - Operating or in actual physical control of a motorized watercraft while under the influence; classification; penalties
- Section 5-395.02 - Admissibility of breath test or other records
- Section 5-395.03 - Test for alcohol concentration or drug content; refusal; civil penalty
- Section 5-395.04 - Preliminary breath tests; authority
- Section 5-396 - Aggravated operating or actual physical control of motorized watercraft while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs; classification
- Section 5-396.01 - Aggravated operating or actual physical control of a motorized watercraft while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs; forfeiture of motorized watercraft; disposition
- Section 5-397 - Operating or in actual physical control of a motorized watercraft while under the extreme influence of intoxicating liquor; trial by jury; sentencing; classification; definition
- Section 5-398 - Reimbursement of incarceration costs
- Section 5-398.01 - Waiver of fine, surcharge or assessment
- Section 5-398.02 - Records of convictions and judgments; abstract of record; reports