Section 5-104.01 - Audits and special investigations; exemptionA. The department shall require that an annual financial audit be conducted of each permittee licensed under this chapter. The department may also require a financial audit from any concessionaire licensed under this article. The department may, for any audit required by this section, require a permittee or concessionaire to supply a certified audit to the department. The commission shall adopt rules that require each permittee to select an accounting firm approved by the auditor general to conduct the annual financial audit when a certified audit is required. Audits performed pursuant to this section shall be conducted in accordance with auditing standards established by the auditor general.B. All permittees and licensees subject to the financial audit as prescribed by this section shall afford reasonable and needed facilities and make returns and exhibits to the department or audit firm in the form and at the time prescribed by the department. The auditor representing the department shall have access to all information, records, pari-mutuel betting devices and equipment necessary to conduct electronic data processing and other audits and reviews. The computer software and other proprietary information and records obtained by the auditor are not subject to disclosure and are exempt from title 39, chapter 1.C. The commission may reduce the number of racing days of a permittee or revoke the permit or license of a person who knowingly fails or refuses to make the prescribed returns or exhibits or give information as required.D. The department may expend monies for the purpose of special investigations of permittees or licensees to determine compliance with this chapter or the rules issued pursuant to this chapter.E. The department may require that the audit and investigation of a permittee and licensee include any person who has a substantial interest, as defined in section 38-502, in the permittee or licensee.F. This section does not apply to a racing meeting operated by a county fair association.