Section 49-490 - Hearings on orders of abatementA. An order of abatement issued by the control officer shall become effective immediately upon the expiration of the time during which a request for a hearing may be made pursuant to section 49-511 unless the person or persons named in such order shall have made a timely request for a hearing before the hearing board. If a hearing is requested, the hearing board shall hold the hearing within thirty days from receipt of the request unless such time is extended by the hearing board. Written notice of the time and place of the hearing shall be sent by the hearing board to the person or persons requesting the hearing and to the control officer at least fifteen days before the hearing.B. If the board, after the hearing, determines that the act or acts set forth in the order constitute a violation of any provision of this article or of the rules adopted pursuant to this article or any requirement of a permit or conditional order issued pursuant to this article and that no conditional order is justified, the board shall affirm or modify the order for abatement. The order may be conditional and require a person to refrain from the particular act or acts unless certain conditions are met.