Article 9 - MANAGEMENT
- Section 45-561 - Definitions
- Section 45-562 - Management goals for active management areas
- Section 45-563 - Management plans in active management areas; management periods; general provisions
- Section 45-563.01 - Water conservation report; per capita use; non-per capita conservation programs
- Section 45-563.02 - Exemption from irrigation water duties; small irrigation grandfathered rights; criteria; conservation requirement; exception
- Section 45-564 - Management plan for first management period; guidelines
- Section 45-565 - Management plan for second management period; guidelines
- Section 45-565.01 - Non-per capita conservation program for municipal providers; second management period
- Section 45-566 - Management plan for third management period; guidelines
- Section 45-566.01 - Non-per capita conservation program for municipal providers; third management period
- Section 45-566.02 - Alternative conservation programs for agriculture; third management period
- Section 45-567 - Management plan for fourth management period; guidelines
- Section 45-567.01 - Non-per capita conservation program for municipal providers; fourth management period
- Section 45-567.02 - Alternative conservation programs for agriculture; fourth management period
- Section 45-568 - Management plan for fifth management period; guidelines
- Section 45-568.01 - Non-per capita conservation program for municipal providers; fifth management period
- Section 45-568.02 - Alternative conservation programs for agriculture; fifth management period
- Section 45-569 - Management goals and management plans for subsequent active management areas
- Section 45-570 - Hearing on management plans; notice; procedures
- Section 45-571 - Findings upon hearing; order for adoption of management plan; publication
- Section 45-571.01 - Notification to persons filing late applications for certificates of grandfathered rights and to persons with new groundwater rights or uses; compliance; variance; review
- Section 45-571.02 - Municipal conservation requirements; compliance
- Section 45-572 - Modification of conservation program; notice
- Section 45-573 - Water quality considerations; consultation with department of environmental quality
- Section 45-574 - Variances; application; notice; hearing; issuance
- Section 45-575 - Administrative review of irrigation water duty and conservation requirements
- Section 45-576 - Certificate of assured water supply; designated cities, towns and private water companies; exemptions; definition
- Section 45-576.01 - Determining consistency with management goal in a replenishment district, conservation district and water district
- Section 45-576.02 - Replenishment district plans, conservation district plans and water district plans
- Section 45-576.03 - Director's review of plans
- Section 45-576.04 - Report and review of plans by groundwater replenishment district
- Section 45-576.05 - Alternative method for determining consistency with the management goal in a groundwater replenishment district; terminating designation
- Section 45-576.06 - Termination of designation for members of conservation district or members of water district; moratorium on adding new member lands and member service areas
- Section 45-576.07 - Determining water sufficiency and availability; water availability status capability plans
- Section 45-576.08 - Pinal active management area; assured water supply; physical availability; definitions
- Section 45-576.09 - Active management areas; director's authority to change assured water supply rules
- Section 45-576.10 - Waterlogged area; assured water supply; designation
- Section 45-577 - Application; hydrological study; review of application
- Section 45-578 - Notice; objections; hearing; issuance of certificate; appeals
- Section 45-579 - Assignment of certificate of assured water supply; definition
- Section 45-579.01 - Certificate of assured water supply; material change; plat
- Section 45-580 - Assured and adequate water supply administration fund; purpose