Article 2 - PAYMENT
- Section 42-18051 - Notice of tax; payment by electronic funds transfer
- Section 42-18052 - Due dates and times; delinquency
- Section 42-18053 - Interest on delinquent taxes; exceptions; waiver
- Section 42-18054 - Tax statements for mortgaged property; liability
- Section 42-18055 - Posting payments; receipts
- Section 42-18056 - Partial payment of taxes; certificates of purchase; delinquent taxes; payment plan agreement; fee
- Section 42-18057 - Payment of tax by part owner; lien for contribution; allocation of tax lien in event of parcel split or consolidation
- Section 42-18058 - Collection and payment of tax on livestock in feedlot or stockyard; exceptions
- Section 42-18059 - Payment of tax on property sold at judicial sale or by fiduciary
- Section 42-18060 - Lien of fiduciary paying tax
- Section 42-18061 - Refund of overpayment due to change in tax roll; reversion of unclaimed refund