Ariz. Rev. Stat. § 38-431.06

Current through L. 2024, ch. 259
Section 38-431.06 - Investigations; written investigative demands
A. On receipt of a written complaint signed by a complainant alleging a violation of this article or on their own initiative, the attorney general or the county attorney for the county in which the alleged violation occurred may begin an investigation.
B. In addition to other powers conferred by this article, in order to carry out the duties prescribed in this article, the attorney general or the county attorney for the county in which the alleged violation occurred, or their designees, may:
1. Issue written investigative demands to any person.
2. Administer an oath or affirmation to any person for testimony.
3. Examine under oath any person in connection with the investigation of the alleged violation of this article.
4. Examine by means of inspecting, studying or copying any account, book, computer, document, minutes, paper, recording or record.
5. Require any person to file on prescribed forms a statement or report in writing and under oath of all the facts and circumstances requested by the attorney general or county attorney.
C. The written investigative demand shall:
1. Be served on the person in the manner required for service of process in this state or by certified mail, return receipt requested.
2. Describe the class or classes of documents or objects with sufficient definiteness to permit them to be fairly identified.
3. Prescribe a reasonable time at which the person shall appear to testify and within which the document or object shall be produced and advise the person that objections to or reasons for not complying with the demand may be filed with the attorney general or county attorney on or before that time.
4. Specify a place for the taking of testimony or for production of a document or object and designate a person who shall be the custodian of the document or object.
D. If a person objects to or otherwise fails to comply with the written investigation demand served on the person pursuant to subsection C, the attorney general or county attorney may file an action in the superior court for an order to enforce the demand. Venue for the action to enforce the demand shall be in Maricopa county or in the county in which the alleged violation occurred. Notice of hearing the action to enforce the demand and a copy of the action shall be served on the person in the same manner as that prescribed in the Arizona rules of civil procedure. If a court finds that the demand is proper, including that the compliance will not violate a privilege and that there is not a conflict of interest on the part of the attorney general or county attorney, that there is reasonable cause to believe there may have been a violation of this article and that the information sought or document or object demanded is relevant to the violation, the court shall order the person to comply with the demand, subject to modifications the court may prescribe. If the person fails to comply with the court's order, the court may issue any of the following orders until the person complies with the order:
1. Adjudging the person in contempt of court.
2. Granting injunctive relief against the person to whom the demand is issued to restrain the conduct that is the subject of the investigation.
3. Granting other relief the court deems proper.

A.R.S. § 38-431.06