"(Front panel)
Contains lead
Dried film of this paint may be
harmful if eaten or chewed
See other cautions on (side or back) panel.*
(Back or side panel)
Do not apply on toys and other children's
articles, furniture, or interior surfaces
of any dwelling or facility which may be
occupied or used by children.
Do not apply on those exterior surfaces of
dwelling units, such as windowsills, porches,
stairs, or railing, to which children may be
commonly exposed.
Keep out of reach of children."
The signal word, the statement of the principal hazard or hazards, and instructions to read carefully any cautionary information that may be placed elsewhere on the label shall appear together on the main panel of the label. Such information shall be placed together and distinctively apart from other wording or designs. The necessary prominence shall be achieved by placement within the borders of a square or rectangle with or without a borderline, and by use of suitable contrasts with the background achieved by distinctive typography or color, and by both color and typography when needed. The signal word and statement of hazard shall be in capital letters. The signal word shall be of a size bearing a reasonable relationship to the other type on the main panel, but shall not be less than eighteen point type, and the size of the statement of hazard shall not be less than twelve point type unless the label space on the container is too small to accommodate such type size. When the size of the label space requires a reduction in type size, the reduction shall be made to a size no smaller than necessary and in no event to a size smaller than six point type.
A.R.S. § 36-1674