Section 32-1160 - Claim for termite damages; notice and offer of settlement; applicability; definitionA. At least thirty days before filing suit against a contractor for money damages resulting from termites, a claimant shall give written notice to that contractor at that contractor's last known address, specifying in reasonable detail the facts that are the subject of the complaint. Within ten days after the date the contractor receives the notice, the contractor may request an opportunity to inspect the premises and may make a written offer to the claimant that may include an agreement by the contractor to inspect, treat, repair or have repaired at the contractor's expense any area damaged by the termites and shall describe in reasonable detail the kind of repairs or treatment offered. If accepted, the repairs or treatment shall be made within forty-five days after the date the contractor receives written notice of acceptance of the offer of compromise, unless completion is delayed by the claimant or by other events beyond the control of the contractor. Failure to provide a written notice or refusal to allow a contractor to inspect the premises for termite damage and provide a retreatment program shall create a rebuttable presumption that the damages could have been mitigated.B. The notice prescribed by subsection A is not required if the claimant must file suit at an earlier date to prevent expiration of the statute of limitations or if the complaint is asserted as a counterclaim.C. This section does not create an implied warranty or extend any limitation period. This section applies only to a claim for money damages to a residence or an appurtenance to a residence resulting from termites and for which suit is filed after the effective date of this section.D. For purposes of this section "contractor" means a person or entity, including any subsidiaries, parents, partners or affiliates, that contracts with a claimant for the construction or sale of a new residence constructed by that person or entity, or for an alteration of or addition to an existing residence, repair of a new or existing residence, or construction, sale, alteration, addition or repair of an appurtenance to a new or existing residence.