Section 3-3624 - Unlawful acts; violations; classificationA. A person shall not:1. Engage in the business of pest management, commence work on a contract or sign, issue or deliver any document expressing an opinion or statement relating to pest management without a business license issued pursuant to this chapter, unless the person is otherwise exempt pursuant to this chapter.2. Engage in the business of pest management in any category without a qualifying party who is registered in that category.3. Operate a branch office without a registered branch supervisor under whose direct supervision pesticide applications are made out of that office.4. Apply pesticides in any category other than wood-destroying organism management or fumigation unless the person is an applicator certified in that category or applies the pesticides under the direct supervision of an applicator certified in that category.5. Apply pesticides in the category of wood-destroying organism management, aquatic pest management or fumigation unless the person is an applicator certified in that category or the person applies the pesticides under the immediate supervision of an applicator certified in that category.6. Make recommendations regarding pest management unless the person is a certified applicator.7. Deny the director or any agent of the director the right to be present on a jobsite in connection with a contemporaneous pest management treatment, including for the purpose of taking pesticide samples and soil samples.B. The following nonexclusive acts are grounds for disciplinary action:1. Violating this chapter, rules adopted pursuant to this chapter or a written order of the director.2. Making false or fraudulent records or reports.3. Misrepresenting a material fact in obtaining a license.4. Applying pesticides in a manner that is inconsistent with the label and labeling of the pesticide or that may cause harm to the public, the environment or nontarget animals.5. Misusing a pesticide if the misuse is due to the failure of the person to properly train or supervise. Proper training includes training to read and understand the label and labeling and to understand the proper use of application equipment. Proper supervision includes oversight of applicators to ensure general compliance with the label and labeling and all applicable laws.6. Authorizing, directing or abetting the publication, advertisement, distribution or circulation of any false statement or material misrepresentation concerning a business of pest management.7. Engaging in the business of pest management or providing pest management services under a suspended license.8. Being convicted of a felony, a misdemeanor arising from or in connection with a license issued pursuant to this chapter after issuance of the license or a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude.9. Having had a license, or the equivalent, to apply pesticides or engage in the business of pest management suspended or revoked in another jurisdiction for cause.10. Making a fraudulent statement or an intentional material misrepresentation in connection with a wood treatment proposal or a wood-destroying insect inspection report.11. Having three or more de minimis violations of this chapter or rules adopted under this chapter.12. Failing to provide the director with a current certificate of insurance or proof of financial responsibility.13. Failing to provide a proper final grade treatment within twelve months after the original pretreatment or new-construction treatment.14. Providing immediate supervision of more uncertified applicators at a time than is authorized by rule.15. Failing to make and maintain true and accurate records of treatments performed or wood-destroying insect inspection reports, including those performed under warranty or guarantee, for at least three years after the date of treatment or inspection.16. Failing to make treatment records available on request of the property owner or the property owner's authorized agent within three business days.17. Failing to permit the director or any duly authorized agent to promptly inspect records pertaining to pest management located at an office of a business licensee when an employee or the owner of the business licensee is present at the business office and has access to the records.18. Failing to timely produce specific records requested pursuant to section 3-3603, subsection B, paragraph 4.19. Violating the terms of a consent agreement or written order of the director.C. A person who violates subsection A, paragraph 1 of this section with reckless disregard for the health and safety of other persons or property is guilty of a class 6 felony.Amended by L. 2016, ch. 221,s. 19, eff. 8/5/2016.Renumbered from A.R.S. §32-2325 by L. 2016, ch. 221,s. 5, eff. 8/5/2016.