Section 28-1384 - Aggravated driving or actual physical control while under the influence; forfeiture of vehicleA. If a person is convicted of violating section 28-1383, the court, in addition to any other penalty imposed by law, shall order the motor vehicle owned and operated by the person at the time of the offense forfeited in the same manner as provided in title 13, chapter 39.B. A vehicle used by a person as a common carrier in the transaction of business as a common carrier is not subject to forfeiture unless it appears that the owner or other person in charge of the vehicle consented to or was privy to a violation described in subsection A of this section.C. Property that is subject to forfeiture and all interests in property that are forfeited under this section shall be disposed of and allocated in the same manner as provided in title 13, chapter 39, except that all monies that are obtained as a result of forfeiture under this section shall be deposited in the state general fund.