Section 27-341 - Escapement shaftsA. Every operator maintaining in a mine a vertical or incline shaft or an adit to a distance greater than one hundred feet and who has drifted a distance of two hundred feet or more and commenced to stope, shall provide and maintain to the hoisting shaft or opening through which men are let into or out of the mine, and where the ore is extracted, a separate escapement shaft, raise or opening, or an underground opening, or communication with another contiguous mine. If the contiguous mine is owned or operated by a different person, the right to use the outlet through the contiguous mine, in all cases when necessary, or in case of accident shall be secured and kept in use.B. Where an escapement shaft or opening is not in existence at the time stoping is commenced, work upon an escapement shaft or opening shall be commenced as soon as stoping begins and diligently prosecuted until completed, and the escapement shaft, raise or opening shall be continued to and connected with the lowest workings in the mine in which mining operations are being conducted.C. The escapement shaft or exit shall be of sufficient size to afford an easy passageway, and if it is a raise or shaft, shall be provided with substantial ladders from the deepest workings to the surface.D. When the exit or outlet is not in a direct or continuous course, signboards plainly marked showing the direction to be taken shall be placed at each departure from the continuous course.