Article 10 - OFFENSES
- Section 26-1077 - Principals
- Section 26-1078 - Accessory after the fact
- Section 26-1079 - Conviction of lesser included offense
- Section 26-1080 - Attempts
- Section 26-1081 - Conspiracy
- Section 26-1082 - Solicitation
- Section 26-1083 - Fraudulent enlistment, appointment or separation
- Section 26-1084 - Unlawful enlistment, appointment or separation
- Section 26-1085 - Desertion
- Section 26-1086 - Absence without leave
- Section 26-1087 - Missing movement
- Section 26-1088 - Contempt toward officials
- Section 26-1089 - Disrespect toward superior commissioned officer
- Section 26-1090 - Assaulting or willfully disobeying superior commissioned officer
- Section 26-1091 - Insubordinate conduct toward warrant officer or noncommissioned officer
- Section 26-1092 - Failure to obey order or rule
- Section 26-1093 - Cruelty and maltreatment
- Section 26-1094 - Mutiny or sedition
- Section 26-1095 - Resistance, breach of arrest and escape
- Section 26-1096 - Releasing prisoner without proper authority
- Section 26-1097 - Unlawful detention
- Section 26-1098 - Noncompliance with procedural rules
- Section 26-1099 - Misbehavior in time of public danger; definition
- Section 26-1103 - Captured or abandoned property
- Section 26-1107 - False official statements
- Section 26-1108 - Military property; loss, damage, destruction or wrongful disposition
- Section 26-1109 - Property other than military property; waste, spoilage or destruction
- Section 26-1110 - Improper hazarding of vessel or aircraft
- Section 26-1111 - Drunken or reckless driving
- Section 26-1112 - Drunk on duty
- Section 26-1113 - Misbehavior of sentinel or lookout
- Section 26-1114 - Dueling
- Section 26-1115 - Malingering
- Section 26-1116 - Riot or breach of peace
- Section 26-1117 - Provoking speeches or gestures
- Section 26-1118 - Wrongful use and possession of controlled substances
- Section 26-1121 - Larceny and wrongful appropriation
- Section 26-1123 - Forgery
- Section 26-1124 - Making, drawing or uttering check, draft or order without sufficient monies; definition
- Section 26-1127 - Extortion
- Section 26-1128 - Assault
- Section 26-1131 - Perjury
- Section 26-1132 - Frauds against the United States
- Section 26-1133 - Conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman
- Section 26-1134 - General misconduct