Section 26-171 - National guard training; inspection by department of defense; camp or field duty ordered by governorA. Each unit of the national guard shall conduct training in accordance with instructions of the adjutant general and shall comply with the approved training schedules and programs prepared by the department of defense of the United States. Each unit or detachment shall assemble for drill and instruction, and shall participate in encampments, maneuvers or other exercises at times and places and under rules and regulations prescribed therefor. In addition thereto the commanding officer of any organization may require the officers and enlisted personnel of his command to meet for ceremonies, parade, drill or instruction at times and places he designates.B. Each unit of the national guard shall, not less than once each year, muster for inspection by an officer designated for that purpose by the secretary of defense or the secretary of any subdivision thereof.C. The governor may order the national guard or any part thereof to perform camp or field duty for periods of time he deems advisable.