Ariz. Rev. Stat. § 23-764
The department shall pay an individual eligible for shared work benefits with respect to any week a shared work benefit that is a proportionate amount as provided in this section of the employee's weekly benefit amount as provided in section 23-780. The department shall pay a shared work weekly benefit that is an amount directly proportionate to the ratio of the number of normal weekly hours of work for which the employer would not compensate the employee to the employee's normal weekly hours of work unless the employer compensates the employee on a piecework basis, in which case the department shall pay an amount directly proportionate to the ratio of the normal number of weekly pieces worked for which the employer would not compensate the employee to the employee's normal number of weekly pieces worked. If the amount is not an even multiple of one dollar, the department shall round it to the nearest dollar, and the department shall round an even one-half dollar to the next higher multiple of one dollar. Except as provided in section 23-791, the department shall not reduce the amount for compensation payable for the week. The provisions of section 23-789 which require the department to deduct and withhold certain amounts payable to an individual who is liable for child support obligations apply to this article.
A.R.S. § 23-764