Ariz. Rev. Stat. § 18-402

Current through L. 2024, ch. 259
Section 18-402 - Statewide e-rate program fund
A. The statewide e-rate program fund is established. The department shall administer the fund. The statewide e-rate program fund shall consist of:
1. Monies received pursuant to the e-rate program under the telecommunications act of 1996 or other grants to assist this state in improving broadband internet and telecommunications access for public schools and libraries in this state.
2. Monies received as a result of an intergovernmental agreement between the department and other political subdivisions of this state.
3. Monies received from private grants or donations if designated for the fund by the grantor or donor.
B. Monies in the fund shall be used to assist public school districts, charter schools and libraries to submit applications for funding pursuant to subsection C and to fulfill the terms of an intergovernmental agreement or private contract pursuant to subsection D.
C. Subject to the conditions of subsection E and in cooperation with the Arizona state library, archives and public records, the department shall develop policies and procedures for the e-rate application for public school districts, charter schools and libraries in this state, including providing technical assistance.
D. The department may enter into contracts with private organizations and intergovernmental agreements with other state agencies and political subdivisions of this state to administer the statewide e-rate program.
E. Participation in the e-rate program by libraries is voluntary. The Arizona state library, archives and public records shall determine e-rate eligibility applications.

A.R.S. § 18-402

Renumbered from A.R.S. §41-3508 by L. 2016, ch. 80,s. 3, eff. 8/5/2016.