Section 15-2406 - Arizona empowerment scholarship accounts; quarterly reportsWithin sixty days after the last day of each calendar quarter, the department shall submit a report, consistent with federal law, to the governor, the president of the senate, the speaker of the house of representatives, the director of the joint legislative budget committee and the director of the governor's office of strategic planning and budgeting. The report must include all of the following:
1. The number of qualified students disaggregated by: (a) Eligibility category. (b) For qualified students who are eligible pursuant to section 15-2401.01, the number of qualified students who attended a public school in this state in the school year immediately preceding the first year of each qualified student's enrollment in the Arizona empowerment scholarship account program.(d) The school district or charter school that each qualified student attended in the school year immediately preceding the first year of each qualified student's enrollment in the Arizona empowerment scholarship account program, if applicable.(e) English language learners.(f) Qualified students who are enrolled in the Arizona empowerment scholarship account program as a student with a disability.(g) The zip code of each qualified student's permanent residence.2. The annual award amount associated with each Arizona empowerment scholarship account.3. The amount of approved expenses disaggregated by type of expense as described in section 15-2402, subsection B, paragraph 4.Added by L. 2023, ch. 142,s. 9, eff. 10/30/2023.