Current through L. 2024, ch. 259
Section 15-143 - Educational records; rights of parentsA. In accordance with the rights secured under section 1-602, subsection A, paragraph 2, a parent shall have access to all written and electronic records of a school district or charter school or a school district or charter school employee concerning the parent's child and to all electronic accounts of the parent's child, including all of the following: 2. Test scores of school-administered tests and statewide assessments.4. Extracurricular activities or club participation.7. Psychological records.8. Applications for admission.9. Health and immunization information, including any medical records that are maintained by a health clinic or medical facility operated or controlled by the school district or charter school or that are located on school district or charter school property.10. Teacher and counselor evaluations.11. Reports of behavioral patterns.13. Online or virtual accounts or data.B. A parent may file suit against a school district or charter school that violates subsection A of this section in the superior court in the county in which the violation occurs. This section does not preclude a parent from filing a suit asserting a violation of this section or any other claim otherwise allowed by law.C. A parent who successfully asserts a claim under subsection A of this section may recover: 2. Injunctive relief to prevent or remedy a violation of subsection A of this section or the effects of the violation.3. Reasonable attorney fees and costs.4. Any other appropriate relief.Added by L. 2022, ch. 200,s. 4, eff. 9/23/2022.