- Section 11-811 - Zoning ordinance; zoning districts; definitions
- Section 11-812 - Restriction on regulation; exceptions; aggregate mining regulation; definitions
- Section 11-813 - Zoning ordinance; adoption; amendments; notice; hearing
- Section 11-814 - Rezoning; conditional zoning change; notice; hearing; citizen review; definition
- Section 11-815 - Enforcement; county zoning inspector; deputies; building permits; violations; classification; civil penalties; hearing officers and procedures
- Section 11-816 - Boards of adjustment; powers; appeals
- Section 11-817 - Transfer of development rights; definitions
- Section 11-818 - Disclosure of filings; military electronics range; definition
- Section 11-818.01 - Disclosure of filing; military installation or range or Arizona national guard site; definitions
- Section 11-819 - Residential housing; requirements; fees; prohibition
- Section 11-820 - Restriction on regulation; home-based businesses; exception; definitions
- Section 11-820.01 - Restriction on regulation; private schools
- Section 11-820.02 - Assisted living homes; distance requirements; administrative procedure; notice; definition
- Section 11-820.03 - Accessory dwelling unit; park model trailer; definitions
- Section 11-820.04 - Backyard fowl regulation; prohibition; exceptions; state preemption; definition