Alaska Stat. § 45.50.495

Current through Chapter 26 of the Legislative Session (excluding Chapter 21)
Section 45.50.495 - Investigative power of attorney general
(a) If the attorney general has cause to believe that a person has engaged in, is engaging in, or is about to engage in a deceptive trade practice under AS 45.50.471, the attorney general may
(1) request the person to file a statement or report in writing, under oath, on forms prescribed by the attorney general, setting out all facts and circumstances concerning the sale or advertisement of property by the person, and other information considered necessary;
(2) examine under oath any person in connection with the sale or advertisement of property;
(3) examine property or sample of the property, record, book, document, account, or paper that the attorney general considers necessary;
(4) make true copies of records, books, documents, accounts, or papers examined under (3) of this subsection, which may be offered in evidence in place of the originals in actions brought under AS 45.50.471 - 45.50.561; and
(5) under an order of the superior court, impound samples of property that are material to the investigation and retain the sample until proceedings undertaken under AS 45.50.471 - 45.50.561 are completed.
(b) The attorney general, in addition to other powers conferred by this section, may issue subpoenas to require the attendance of witnesses or the production of documents or other physical evidence, administer oaths, and conduct hearings to aid an investigation or inquiry. Service of an order or subpoena shall be made in the same manner as a summons in a civil action in the superior court.

AS 45.50.495