Section 44.29.024 - Fees for services of contractors or grantees(a) The commissioner of health may establish by regulation a schedule of reasonable fees for services provided by a contractor or grantee of the Department of Health under AS 18 or AS 47. The fee established for a service may not exceed the actual cost of providing the service. The commissioner may define or establish the "actual cost of providing a service" by regulation.(b) The Department of Health may require the recipient of a grant or a contractor under a grant to charge the fees established under (a) of this section for services provided by the recipient or contractor and to use the fees collected for the program providing the services.(c) A regulation that establishes a schedule of reasonable fees for services provided by a contractor or grantee that are part of the integrated comprehensive mental health program established under AS 44.25.200 - 44.25.295, AS 44.29.800-44.29.890, and AS 47.30 may be adopted under this section after consultation with the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority.Amended by AK 2022 Executive Order 121,sec.32, sec.134, sec.135, sec.136 eff. 7/1/2022.