Section 43.05.010 - [Effective Until 1/1/2029] Duties of commissionerThe commissioner of revenue shall
(1) exercise general supervision and direct the activities of the Department of Revenue;(2) supervise the fiscal affairs and responsibilities of the department;(3) prescribe uniform rules for investigations and hearings;(4) keep a record of all departmental proceedings, record and file all bonds, and assume custody of returns, reports, papers, and documents of the department;(5) adopt a seal and affix it to each order, process, or certificate issued by the commissioner;(6) keep a record of each order, process, and certificate issued by the commissioner, and keep the record open to public inspection at all reasonable times;(7) hold hearings and investigations necessary for the administration of state tax and revenue laws;(8) except as provided in AS 43.05.405 - 43.05.499 and in AS 44.64.030, hear and determine appeals of a matter within the jurisdiction of the Department of Revenue and enter orders on the appeals that are final unless reversed or modified by the courts;(9) issue subpoenas to require the attendance of witnesses and the production of necessary books, papers, documents, correspondence, and other things;(10) order the taking of depositions before a person competent to administer oaths;(11) administer oaths and take acknowledgments;(12) request the attorney general for rulings on the interpretation of the tax and revenue laws administered by the department;(13) call upon the attorney general to institute actions for recovery of unpaid taxes, fees, excises, additions to tax, penalties, and interest;(14) issue warrants for the collection of unpaid tax penalties and interest and take all steps necessary and proper to enforce full and complete compliance with the tax, license, excise, and other revenue laws of the state;(15) report to the legislature before February 15 of each year the total amount of contributions reported and the total amount of credit claimed during the previous calendar year under AS 43.20.014, AS 43.55.019, AS 43.56.018, AS 43.65.018, AS 43.75.018, and AS 43.77.045;(16) consult with the commissioner of natural resources on negotiation of contracts and development of terms for inclusion in proposed contracts associated with a North Slope natural gas project;(17) direct the disposition of revenue received from gas delivered to the state under AS 43.55.014(b) by entering into agreements with the commissioner of natural resources related to the management of the custody and disposition of gas delivered to the state under AS 43.55.014(b).Amended by SLA 2024, ch. 15,sec. 50, eff. 7/22/2024.Amended by SLA 2024, ch. 4,sec. 30, eff. 6/27/2024.Amended by SLA 2018, ch. 101,sec.37, sec.40 eff. 9/5/2018.Amended by SLA 2014, ch. 14,sec. 41, eff. 1/1/2015.Amended by SLA 2014, ch. 61,sec. 26, eff. 12/31/2018.Amended by SLA 2014, ch. 14,sec. 40, eff. 5/8/2014.Amended by SLA 2011sp1, ch. 7,sec. 15, eff. 7/23/2011.This section is set out more than once due to postponed, multiple, or conflicting amendments.