- Section 41.23.010 - Purpose of AS 41.23.010 - 41.23.040
- Section 41.23.020 - Management
- Section 41.23.030 - Incompatible uses
- Section 41.23.040 - Nelchina Public Use Area
- Section 41.23.050 - Purpose of AS 41.23.050 - 41.23.080
- Section 41.23.060 - Management
- Section 41.23.070 - Incompatible uses
- Section 41.23.080 - Ernie Haugen Public Use Area
- Section 41.23.100 - Purpose of AS 41.23.100 - 41.23.130
- Section 41.23.110 - Management
- Section 41.23.120 - Incompatible uses
- Section 41.23.130 - Hatcher Pass Public Use Area
- Section 41.23.140 - Purpose of AS 41.23.140 - 41.23.170
- Section 41.23.150 - Management
- Section 41.23.160 - Incompatible uses
- Section 41.23.170 - Goldstream Public Use Area
- Section 41.23.180 - Purpose of AS 41.23.180 - 41.23.230
- Section 41.23.190 - Management
- Section 41.23.200 - Incompatible uses
- Section 41.23.210 - Enforcement authority
- Section 41.23.220 - Penalty
- Section 41.23.230 - Knik River Public Use Area
- Section 41.23.240 - Purpose and establishment of the Kodiak Narrow Cape Public Use Area
- Section 41.23.250 - Management
- Section 41.23.260 - Incompatible uses
- Section 41.23.270 - Description of Kodiak Narrow Cape Public Use Area
- Section 41.23.280 - Purpose of as 41.23.280 - 41.23.289
- Section 41.23.282 - Management
- Section 41.23.284 - Incompatible uses
- Section 41.23.286 - Jonesville Public Use Area
- Section 41.23.288 - Enforcement authority
- Section 41.23.289 - Penalty