Section 39.52.130 - Improper gifts(a) A public officer may not solicit, accept, or receive, directly or indirectly, a gift, whether in the form of money, service, loan, travel, entertainment, hospitality, employment, promise, or in any other form, that is a benefit to the officer's personal or financial interests, under circumstances in which it could reasonably be inferred that the gift is intended to influence the performance of official duties, actions, or judgment. A gift from a person required to register as a lobbyist under AS 24.45.041 to a public officer or a public officer's immediate family member is presumed to be intended to influence the performance of official duties, actions, or judgment unless the giver is an immediate family member of the person receiving the gift.(b) Notice of the receipt by a public officer of a gift with a value in excess of $150, including the name of the giver and a description of the gift and its approximate value, must be provided to the designated supervisor within 30 days after the date of its receipt (1) if the public officer may take or withhold official action that affects the giver; or(2) if the gift is connected to the public officer's governmental status.(c) In accordance with AS 39.52.240, a designated supervisor may request guidance from the attorney general concerning whether acceptance of a particular gift is prohibited.(d) The restrictions relating to gifts imposed by this section do not apply to a campaign contribution to a candidate for elective office if the contribution complies with laws and regulations governing elections and campaign disclosure.(e) A public officer who, on behalf of the state, accepts a gift from another government or from an official of another government shall, within 60 days after its receipt, notify the Office of the Governor in writing. The Office of the Governor shall determine the appropriate disposition of the gift. In this subsection, "another government" means a foreign government or the government of the United States, another state, a municipality, or another jurisdiction.(f) A public officer who knows or reasonably ought to know that a family member has received a gift because of the family member's connection with the public office held by the public officer shall report the receipt of the gift by the family member to the public officer's designated supervisor if the gift would have to be reported under this section if it had been received by the public officer or if receipt of the gift by a public officer would be prohibited under this section.