Section 38.07.030 - Owners and lessees included(a) An owner of agricultural land, or a lessee from the state of agricultural land, in the general vicinity of the land to be cleared or drained under AS 38.07.010(a) may apply to the commissioner to have the land cleared or drained or both along with the state land. The applicant's land shall be included in the contract of land to be cleared or drained if, in the discretion of the commissioner, the inclusion is feasible and furthers the agricultural policies of the division of the Department of Natural Resources with responsibility for agriculture.(b) The cost of clearing privately-owned land shall be borne by the landowner. For this purpose, the landowner may borrow money according to the requirements and provisions of AS 03.10 (Alaska Agricultural Loan Act).(c) The cost of clearing land leased from the state, including but not limited to school land, shall be borne by the state. The lessee shall repay the cost over a 10-year period at five percent interest.