Section 38.05.184 - Limitation on oil and gas leases in Kachemak Bay(a) The legislature finds that Kachemak Bay is an area of extraordinary abundance and diversity of marine life that has provided, and will continue to provide in the future, a basis for one of the state's most important commercial fisheries; that recent information discloses that even minute quantities of oil released into the marine environment may be harmful to the larval forms of crabs and other marine life and that the existence of gyral currents within the bay may increase the likelihood of oil coming into contact with these valuable commercial fish and shellfish species; and that therefore oil and gas development in the bay, at this time, presents an undue hazard to this valuable state renewable resource.(b) No additional oil or gas leases may be issued by the department or any other state agency for the exploration for or the development or production of oil and gas on state-owned land and waters seaward of the mean higher high water line, beginning at Anchor Point; then around the perimeter of Kachemak Bay, to Point Pogibshi; then west to the three mile limit of state land and waters; then north to a point three miles west of Anchor Point; then east to the mean higher high water line of Anchor Point, the point of beginning.(c)[Repealed, Sec. 61 ch 50 SLA 1989].(d)[Repealed, Sec. 61 ch 50 SLA 1989].(e)[Repealed, Sec. 61 ch 50 SLA 1989].(f)[Repealed, Sec. 61 ch 50 SLA 1989].(g)[Repealed, Sec. 61 ch 50 SLA 1989].(h) A department or other state agency may not issue a carbon storage license or lease on state-owned land and water seaward of the mean higher high water line, beginning at Anchor Point; then around the perimeter of Kachemak Bay, to Point Pogibshi; then west to the three mile limit of state land and water; then north to a point three miles west of Anchor Point; then east to the mean higher high water line of Anchor Point, the point of beginning.Amended by SLA 2024, ch. 23,sec. 20, eff. 10/29/2024.