Alaska Stat. § 38.05.055
Unless another method of sale is required under this chapter, AS 38.08, or AS 38.09, the sale of state land shall be made at public auction or by sealed bid, at the discretion of the director, to the highest qualified bidder as determined by the director. The director may accept bids and sell state land under this section at not less than 70 percent of the appraised fair market value of the land. To qualify to participate under this section in a public auction or sale by sealed bid of state land that is other than commercial, industrial, or agricultural land, a bidder shall have been a resident of the state for at least one year immediately preceding the date of the sale and submit proof of that fact, as the commissioner requires by regulation. A bidder may be represented by an attorney or agent at a public auction. An aggrieved bidder may appeal to the commissioner within five days after the sale for a review of the director's determination. The sale shall be conducted by the director, and, at the time of sale, the successful bidder shall deposit an amount equal to five percent of the purchase price. The director shall immediately issue a receipt containing a description of the land or property purchased, the price bid, and the amount deposited. The receipt shall be acknowledged in writing by the bidder.
AS 38.05.055