Section 37.07.040 - Office of management and budgetThe Alaska office of management and budget shall
(1) assist the governor in meeting the requirements of AS 37.07.020, including the coordination and analysis of state agency goals and objectives, plans, and budget requests;(2) prepare for submission to the governor an annually updated six-year capital improvements program and the proposed capital improvements budget for the coming fiscal year, the latter to include individual project justification with documentation of estimated project cost;(3) develop procedures to produce the information needed for effective policy decision making, including procedures to provide for the dissemination of information about plans, programs, and budget requests to be included in the annual budget and opportunity for public review and comment during the period of budget preparation;(4) assist state agencies in their statement of goals and objectives to achieve, among other things, the legislature's mission and desired results, preparation of plans, assessments of the extent to which missions and desired results have been achieved, budget requests, and reporting of program performance; all documents forwarded by the office to a state agency containing instructions for the preparation of program plans and budget requests and the reporting of program performance are public information after the date they are forwarded;(5) administer its responsibilities under the program execution provisions of this chapter so that the policy decisions and budget determinations of the governor and the legislature are implemented;(6) provide the legislative finance division with the budget information it may request;(7) provide the legislative finance division with an advance copy of the governor's budget workbooks at least seven days before the legislature convenes in a regular session;(8) prepare the proposed capital improvements budget for the coming fiscal year evaluating both state and local requests from the standpoint of need, equity, and priorities of the jurisdiction; other factors such as project amounts, population, local financial match, federal funds being used for local match, municipality or unincorporated community acceptance of the facility, and all associated costs of the facility may be considered;(9) for each department in the executive branch, report to the legislature by the 45th day of each regular session the amount of money appropriated to the department that is expected to lapse into the general fund at the end of the current fiscal year;(10) establish and administer a state agency program performance management system involving planning, performance budgeting, performance measurement, and program evaluation; the office shall ensure that information generated under this system is useful for managing and improving the efficiency and effectiveness of agency operations;(11) by January 15, list each lease-purchase agreement entered into by an agency during the immediately preceding fiscal year for the acquisition of equipment or other personal property, together with a description of the property acquired and financial details, including the purchase price, the term for payments, the amount of each payment, and the amount of interest or financing charges paid;(12) work with state agencies to develop a standardized methodology to collect and store energy consumption and expense data.