Section 29.45.046 - River habitat protection tax credit(a) Unless prohibited by municipal charter, a municipality may by ordinance provide for a river habitat protection credit to be applied to offset a portion of the property taxes due on land, or an interest in land taxable under this chapter, upon which an improvement has been constructed that aids in (1) protecting a river from degradation of fish habitat due to public or private use; or(2) restoring riparian fish habitat along or in a river that has been damaged by land use practices.(b) The amount of a river habitat protection credit shall be based upon a percentage of the verifiable costs of the improvement and may not exceed 50 percent of the total amount of taxes levied upon the land or upon the taxable interest in the land during a single tax year, but the credit may be granted for more than one year. If the credit is granted for more than one year and the land or taxable interest in the land is conveyed, the portion of the credit remaining is extinguished. The ordinance may limit the availability of a credit to some, but not all types of improvements for which a credit may be granted under this section and to some, but not all areas of the municipality. A credit may only be granted for an improvement that has been constructed in compliance with state and federal laws. A credit may not be granted for an improvement (1) required under state or federal law; or(2) located more than 150 feet from the mean high tide line or ordinary high water line; in this paragraph, "ordinary high water line" means that line on the shore of the nontidal portion of a river or stream that reflects the highest level of water during an ordinary year and is established by fluctuations of water and indicated by physical characteristics such as a clear, natural line impressed on the bank, shelving, changes in the character of soil, destruction of terrestrial vegetation, the presence of litter and debris, or other appropriate means that consider the characteristics of the surrounding area.(c)[Repealed, Sec. 3 ch 41 SLA 1995].(d) Before an ordinance is adopted under (a) of this section, it must be approved by the commissioner of fish and game. The commissioner of fish and game shall approve a proposed ordinance if the improvements for which a credit is authorized aid in protecting or restoring habitat as required under this section without regard to the percentage of the total protection or restoration that could be achieved by ideal improvement measures. Within 60 days after receipt of a proposed ordinance, the commissioner of fish and game shall notify the municipality in writing as to whether the proposed ordinance is approved or disapproved and, if the proposed ordinance is disapproved, shall state the basis for that determination.