Alaska Stat. § 28.37.140

Current through Chapter 61 of the 2024 Legislative Session and 2024 Executive Orders 125, 133 through 135
Section 28.37.140 - Effect of conviction in party state
(a) The licensing authority in the home state, for the purposes of suspending, revoking, or limiting the license to operate a motor vehicle, shall give the same effect to the conduct reported under AS 28.37.130 as it would if the conduct had occurred in the home state, in the case of a conviction for
(1) manslaughter or negligent homicide resulting from the operation of a motor vehicle;
(2) driving a motor vehicle while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or a narcotic drug, or under the influence of any other drug to a degree that renders the driver incapable of safely driving a motor vehicle;
(3) any felony in the commission of which a motor vehicle is used;
(4) failure to stop and render aid in the event of a motor vehicle accident resulting in the death or personal injury of another.
(b) As to another conviction, reported under AS 28.37.130, the licensing authority in the home state shall give the effect to the conduct that is provided by the laws of the home state if the offense constituting the conduct report under AS 28.37.130 has elements similar to those of the home state as defined in the home state at the time the offense constituting the conduct report under AS 28.37.130 was committed.
(c) If the laws of a party state do not provide for offenses or violations denominated or described in precisely the words employed in (a) of this section, the party state shall construe the denominations and descriptions appearing in (a) of this section as being applicable to and identifying the offenses or violations of a substantially similar nature, and the laws of the party state shall contain the provisions necessary to ensure that full force and effect is given to this section.

AS 28.37.140