Section 21.24.130 - Duration and release of deposit(a) Each deposit made in this state by an insurer under this title, including assets and securities held in another state under custodial arrangements permitted by AS 21.24.040(c), shall be held for as long as there is any outstanding liability of the insurer as to which the deposit was required. Each deposit required under AS 21.09.270 shall be held for so long as the basis of the retaliation exists.(b) Upon the request of a domestic insurer, the director shall return to the insurer the whole or any portion of the assets and securities of the insurer held on deposit when the director is satisfied that the assets and securities to be returned are subject to no liability and are no longer required to be held by any provision of law or purposes of the original deposit. If the insurer has reinsured all of its outstanding risks in another insurer or insurers authorized to transact insurance in this state, the director shall deliver the assets and securities to the insurer or insurers assuming the risks, upon written notice to the director by the domestic insurer that the assets and securities have been assigned, transferred, and set over to the reinsuring insurer or insurers, which notice shall be accompanied by a verified copy of the assignment, transfer, or conveyance.(c) The director shall return to a foreign insurer any deposit made in this state by the insurer, when (1) the insurer has ceased transacting insurance in this state, or in the United States, and the insurer is not subject to liability in this state on account of which the deposit was held; (2) the deposit is no longer required by a provision of law; (3) the insurer, during its solvency, has made a similar deposit in another state and has filed with the director the certificate of evidence thereof, under the conditions provided for in AS 21.09.090(b)(1) or (2). Upon the effectuation of a merger or consolidation of an insurer that has made a deposit in this state, the director shall return the deposit to the resulting or surviving corporation, or to any person it may designate for that purpose, provided that the resulting or surviving corporation is or becomes authorized to transact an insurance business in this state.(d) If a domestic insurer is subject to delinquency proceedings under AS 21.78, the director shall yield the assets and securities held on deposit under AS 21.09.090(b) to the receiver, conservator, rehabilitator, or liquidator of the domestic insurer. The director may release the deposit directly to the guaranty fund of which the insurer is a member if the right to receive all or a portion of the deposit is assigned to the guaranty fund.(e) A release of deposited assets may not be made except upon application to and the written order of the director. The director is not personally liable for a release of a deposit or part thereof made in good faith.(f) If a foreign insurer that is a member of the Alaska Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Association (AS 21.79) or the Alaska Insurance Guaranty Association (AS 21.80) is found to be insolvent by a proceeding under AS 21.78 or by a court of competent jurisdiction in another state, the director shall take control of the insurer's deposit made under AS 21.09.090(b). The deposit assets shall be released to the applicable guaranty association upon a showing to the director that the association paid a valid loss, loss expense, or contractual obligation that is within the purpose of the deposit. After the director determines that all losses, loss expense liabilities, or contractual obligations that were incurred on the insurer's policies written in this state for which the deposit was required have been paid, the director shall pay the remaining deposit assets to the receiver, conservator, rehabilitator, or liquidator of the insurer, or to another properly designated official who succeeds to the management and control of the insurer's assets.(g) If an insurer is not a member of the Alaska Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Association established by AS 21.79 or the Alaska Insurance Guaranty Association established by AS 21.80, the director shall take control of the insurer's deposit made under AS 21.09.090(b) if the insurer is found to be insolvent by a proceeding under AS 21.78 or by a court of competent jurisdiction in another state. The director shall release the deposit assets to the receiver, conservator, rehabilitator, or liquidator of the insurer, or to any other properly designated official who succeeds to the management and control of the insurer's assets.