Section 19.05.040 - Powers of departmentThe department may
(2) exercise the power of eminent domain;(3) take immediate possession of real property, or any interest in real property under a declaration of taking or by other lawful means;(4) acquire rights-of-way for present or future use;(5) control access to highways;(6) regulate roadside development;(7) preserve and maintain the scenic beauty along state highways;(8) dispose of property acquired for highway purposes;(9) accept and dispose of federal funds or property available for highway construction, maintenance, or equipment;(10) enter into contracts or agreements relating to highways with the federal government, municipalities, a political subdivision, or with a foreign government, if the contract is approved by the federal government;(11) establish, levy, and collect tolls, fees, charges, and rentals for the use of state roads, highways, bridges, tunnels, crossings, and causeways;(12) award and administer grants authorized by appropriation by the legislature; and(13) exercise any other power necessary to carry out the purpose of AS 19.05 - AS 19.25.