Section 15.13.078 - Contributions and loans from the candidate(a) The provisions of this chapter do not prohibit the individual who is a candidate from giving any amount of the candidate's own money or other thing of value to the campaign of the candidate. Donations made by the candidate to the candidate's own campaign shall be reported as contributions in accordance with AS 15.13.040 and 15.13.110.(b) The provisions of this chapter do not prohibit the individual who is a candidate from lending any amount to the campaign of the candidate. Loans made by the candidate shall be reported as contributions in accordance with AS 15.13.040 and 15.13.110. However, the candidate may not(1) recover, under this section and AS 15.13.116(a)(4), the amount of a loan made by the candidate to the candidate's own campaign that exceeds (A) $25,000, if the candidate ran for governor or lieutenant governor;(B) $10,000, if the candidate ran for (ii) delegate to a constitutional convention;(C) $10,000, if the candidate was a judge seeking retention;(D) $5,000, if the candidate ran in a municipal election; or(2) repay a loan that the candidate has made to the candidate's own campaign unless, within five days of making the loan, the candidate notifies the commission, on a form provided by the commission, of the candidate's intention to repay the loan under AS 15.13.116(a)(4).(c) On and after the date determined under AS 15.13.110 as the last day of the period ending three days before the due date of the report required to be filed under AS 15.13.110(a)(1) and until the date of the election for which the report is filed, a candidate may not give or loan to the candidate's campaign the candidate's money or other thing of value of the candidate in an amount that exceeds $5,000.(d) The provisions of this section apply only to the individual who is a candidate, as that term is defined by AS 15.13.400(1)(A), and do not apply to authorize a contribution or loan under this section by an individual described in the definition of the term "candidate" under AS 15.13.400(1)(B).