Section 15.07.070 - Procedure for registration(a) The director may adopt regulations under AS 44.62 (Administrative Procedure Act) relating to the registration of voters consistent with the requirements of this section and federal law, including 42 U.S.C. 1973gg (National Voter Registration Act of 1993).(b) To register by mail or by facsimile, scanning, or other electronic transmission approved by the director under AS 15.07.050, the director, the area election supervisor, or a voter registration agency shall furnish, at no cost to the voter, forms prepared by the director on which the registration information required under AS 15.07.060 shall be inserted by the voter, by a person on behalf of the voter if that person is designated to act on behalf of the voter in a power of attorney, or by a person on behalf of the voter if the voter is physically incapacitated. The director may require proof of identification of the applicant as required by regulations adopted by the director under AS 44.62 (Administrative Procedure Act). Upon receipt and approval of the completed registration forms, the director or the election supervisor shall forward to the voter an acknowledgment, and the voter's name shall immediately be placed on the master register. If the registration is denied, the voter shall immediately be informed in writing that registration was denied and the reason for denial. When identifying information has been provided by the voter as required by this chapter, the election supervisor shall forward to the voter a registration card.(c) The names of persons submitting completed registration forms by mail that are postmarked at least 30 days before the next election, or submitting completed registration forms by facsimile or other electronic transmission approved by the director under AS 15.07.050 that are received at least 30 days before the next election, shall be placed on the official registration list for that election. If a registration form received by mail less than 30 days before an election does not have a legible and dated postmark, the name of the person submitting the form shall be placed on the official registration list for that election if the form was signed and dated by the person at least 30 days before the election and if the form is received by the director or election supervisor at least 25 days before the election. The name of a person submitting a completed registration form by mail or by facsimile or other electronic transmission that does not meet the applicable requirements of this subsection may not be placed on the official registration list for that election but shall be placed on the master register after that election.(d) Qualified voters may register in person before a registration official or through a voter registration agency at any time throughout the year, except that a person registering within 30 days preceding an election is not eligible to vote at that election. Upon receipt and approval of the registration forms, the director or the election supervisor shall forward to the voter an acknowledgment in the form of a registration card, and the voter's name shall immediately be placed on the master register. Names of persons registering 30 or more days before an election shall be placed on the official registration list for that election.(e)[Repealed, Sec. 38 ch 116 SLA 1972.](f) Incomplete or inaccurate registration forms may not be accepted. A person who submitted an incomplete or inaccurate registration form may register by reexecuting and resubmitting a registration form in person, by mail, or by facsimile or other electronic transmission approved by the director under AS 15.07.050. The requirements of (c) or (d) of this section apply to a registration form resubmitted under this subsection. Notwithstanding the foregoing, an application made under AS 43.23.015 that contains the information required by AS 15.07.060(a)(1) - (4) and (7) - (9), and an attestation that such information is true, shall not be deemed an incomplete registration form and shall be accepted in accordance with AS 15.07.070(i).(g) The director shall provide voter registration forms prepared under (b) of this section to voter registration agencies designated under AS 15.07.055 for distribution to the public.(h) The director shall design the form of the voter's certificate appearing on the envelope that is used for voting an absentee in-person or questioned ballot so that all information required for registration by AS 15.07.060(a) may be obtained from a voter who votes an absentee in-person or questioned ballot. If the voter voting an absentee in-person or questioned ballot has completed all information on the voter registration portion of the absentee in-person or questioned ballot voter's certificate, the director shall place the name of the voter on the official registration list.(i) The division shall register voters who submit an application to receive a permanent fund dividend in accordance with (j) - (m) of this section.(j) The division shall cooperate with the Department of Revenue under AS 43.23.101 to ensure that the permanent fund dividend application form furnished by the Department of Revenue under AS 43.23.015 allows an applicant, a person who is designated in a power of attorney to act on behalf of an applicant, or a person acting on behalf of a physically disabled applicant to submit voter registration information required under AS 15.07.060(a)(1) - (4) and (7) - (9), and an attestation that such information is true. The director may require proof of identification of the applicant, if not already in the Department of Revenue's possession, as required by regulations adopted by the director under AS 44.62 (Administrative Procedure Act).(k) Upon receipt of the registration information, the director shall, as soon as practicable and in accordance with a schedule established by the director by rule, notify by United States mail and any other means authorized by the director, each applicant not already registered to vote at the address provided in the applicant's application(1) of the processes to(A) decline to be registered as a voter;(B) maintain an existing voter registration or be newly registered at a valid place of residence not provided in the applicant's application; and(C) adopt a political party affiliation; and(2) that failure to respond to the notification shall constitute the applicant's consent to cancel any registration to vote in another jurisdiction.(l) If an applicant does not decline to be registered as a voter within 30 calendar days after the director issues the notification, the application under AS 43.23.015 will constitute a completed registration form. The name of the applicant shall be placed on the master register if the director determines that the person is qualified to vote under AS 15.05.010, and the director shall forward to the applicant a registration card. If registration is denied, the applicant shall immediately be informed in writing that registration was denied and the reason for denial.(m) Any person who is not eligible to vote and who becomes registered under this provision through human or mechanical error shall not be found on that basis to have had the intent to unlawfully register to vote.Amended by November 2016 Ballot Measure 1, effective 2/6/2017