Section 14.12.030 - School boards(a) Each borough and city school district with an average daily membership of 5,000 or less has a school board of five members, except that the governing body of the borough or city may by ordinance, concurred in by a majority of the district school board, provide for a school board of seven members.(b) Each borough and city school district with an average daily membership exceeding 5,000 has a school board of seven, nine, or eleven members, as established by ordinance.(c) The provisions of (a) and (b) of this section do not apply if the assembly serves as the school board of the borough school district.(d) The provisions of (a) and (b) of this section do not apply to a regional educational attendance area that converts to a city or borough school district. The number of school board members may be changed by the qualified voters in a district by placing the question on the ballot at a regular school board election in the manner prescribed by law.(e) Each city or borough school district that is operating schools on a military reservation under AS 14.12.020(a) has one nonvoting delegate from the military reservation or reservations to the school district board to advise and assist the board in matters relating to the military reservation schools operated by the school district and to act as liaison between the board and the military community. The nonvoting delegate shall be appointed by the school district board, shall serve at the pleasure of the school district board, and must be an inhabitant of the area served by the military reservation schools operated by the school district by contract. If an elected community school committee is established on a military reservation, the only inhabitants of that military reservation who are eligible for appointment as the nonvoting delegate are those inhabitants who are members of the elected school committee.