Section 08.56.050 - Liability for valuables(a) When the operator of a hotel or boardinghouse provides a safe or vault in which guests may deposit valuable property for safekeeping and notice of this fact is posted in three or more conspicuous places in the hotel or boardinghouse, the operator is not liable for the loss, damage, or destruction of property not deposited by a guest in the safe or vault.(b) An operator of a hotel or boardinghouse is not obligated to receive property on deposit for safekeeping as provided in (a) of this section that exceeds $1,000 in value. If property exceeding $1,000 in value is deposited in the hotel or boardinghouse safe or vault, the operator is not liable for its loss, damage, or destruction unless the operator enters into a written agreement with the guest who deposits the property. If the operator does contract with a guest for the safekeeping of property exceeding $1,000 in value, the operator is liable only if the property deposited is stolen or lost, damaged, or destroyed by the negligence of the operator or the operator's agent.