Alaska Stat. § 08.55.110
Name of Hearing Aid Dealer
Address of Hearing Aid Dealer
Date of Sale or Lease
You may cancel this transaction within 30 days from the date you receive the hearing aid or this notice, whichever is later.
You may also cancel this transaction within 60 days from the date you receive the hearing aid or this notice, whichever is later, if the hearing aid dealer is not a licensed physician or a licensed audiologist and if a licensed physician or a licensed audiologist advises you in writing to cancel this transaction.
If you cancel this transaction, the property you traded in, the payments you made under the sale or lease (less certain costs allowed by state law) and any negotiable instrument executed by you will be returned within 20 days following receipt by the hearing aid dealer of your cancellation notice, and the hearing aid dealer will cancel any security interest arising out of the sale or lease.
If you cancel, you must make available to the hearing aid dealer, in as good a condition as when received, less normal wear and tear, the goods delivered to you under this sale or lease, unless the dealer notifies you to keep the goods or to hold them until the dealer collects them.
If the goods have been damaged, the hearing aid dealer may deduct from any refund due you the reasonable costs incurred in repairing the goods to make them suitable for resale. If the goods have been damaged beyond repair, you are liable for the full purchase price, even if you are just leasing the goods.
If you make the goods available for the hearing aid dealer to collect after your cancellation, and within 20 days of receiving your cancellation the hearing aid dealer does not collect them from you or provide you with instructions for returning the goods by mail, you may retain or dispose of the goods without further obligation to the hearing aid dealer. If you fail to make the goods available for the hearing aid dealer to collect after your cancellation, then the sale or lease is not cancelled and you remain liable for performance of the obligations of the sale or lease.
To cancel this transaction, mail (by certified mail, return receipt requested) or deliver a signed and dated copy of this notice or another written notice to (name of hearing aid dealer), at (address of hearing aid dealer's place of business) and (hearing aid dealer's telephone number) no later than midnight of (Date).
I hereby cancel this transaction.
(Date) ___________________
(Purchaser's or Lessee's signature)
I have read and understand the terms of cancellation of this purchase/lease.
Purchaser's or Lessee's signature
AS 08.55.110