Wyo. R. Speci. Cir. Ct. 7
As amended through April 30, 2019
Cases subject to these Rules will receive an expedited trial date. Trials shall begin within seven months after the action is commenced, absent unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances. The trial date will be set in the initial case management order, or at the earliest practicable time thereafter, and shall not be changed absent extraordinary circumstances. The parties may not stipulate to extensions.
If motions are filed, motions will be resolved forthwith by the court setting a telephonic, video, or in-person hearing for purposes of addressing the motion without need for responsive filings in order to maintain the expedited nature of the case.
Wyo. R. Speci. Cir. Ct. 7
Adopted May 18, 2011, effective July 1, 2011.