Rule 13.04 - Contents of petition for writ of review The petition shall be captioned in the reviewing court. It shall contain concise statements of the following:
(a) The nature of the review desired and the relief sought; (b) The facts necessary to an understanding of the controlling questions of law determined by the lower court or administrative agency; (d) The principles of law upon which petitioner relies, with citation of authorities in support but without argument; (e) A statement explaining why the ends of justice require review; (f) A certification that the petition is not interposed for purpose of delay; and (g) A certification that no notice of entry of the order sought to be reviewed was provided, if such is the case. (h) In addition to service on respondent, a copy of the petition, without attachments, shall also be served on the trial court and/or administrative agency whose decision is subject to review. Amended April, 6, 2015, effective July 1, 2015.