Wyo. R. Prac. & P. 8
In those cases already made confidential by statute, administrative rule, court rule, or court order, it is not necessary to redact transcripts. The responsibility for redacting official court transcripts rests solely with counsel and the parties. The court, clerk, and court reporter/transcriber will not review the transcript for compliance with these rules.
Once a prepared transcript pursuant to Wyo. Stat. Ann. §§ 5-3-401 to 412 is delivered to the clerk's office for filing, and the court reporter/transcriber has given written notice by email or traditional means to the parties that the transcript is completed, the attorneys in the case are (or, where there is a self-represented party, the party is) responsible for reviewing it for the personal data identifiers required by these rules to be redacted. Each party or counsel shall give prompt written notice of changes of address, telephone number or email address, if any, to the clerk and other parties.
Within eleven calendar days of the delivery by the court reporter/transcriber of the official transcript to the clerk's office, or longer if the court orders, each party must inform the court reporter, by filing a Notice of Intent to Redact with the clerk, of his or her intent to direct the redaction of personal identifiers from the transcript of the court proceeding. A party is only allowed to request redaction of the four five personal data identifiers specified in Rule 1 herein without further order of the court. If no such notice is filed within the allotted time, the court clerk will assume redaction of the personal data identifiers from the transcript is not necessary, and the record completion process will proceed without further delay.
Within 21 calendar days of the transcript's filing with the clerk, or longer if the court orders, an attorney of record or self-represented party, who has previously filed a Notice of Intent to Redact, must file a Confidential Redaction Request. (See Appendix A to these rules). A copy of this request must also be submitted simultaneously to the court reporter/transcriber. The request shall include the title of the transcript, the date it was filed, the case number and the items to be redacted, referencing them by page and line number and how they are to be redacted. For example, if a party wanted to redact the Social Security Number 123-45-6789 appearing on page 12, line 9 of the transcript, the Confidential Redaction Request would read: page 12, line 9: Social Security Number 123-45-6789 should be redacted to read xxx-xx-6789.
When a Confidential Redaction Request is filed, the court reporter/transcriber must within 31 calendar days from the filing of the transcript with the clerk of court, or longer if the court orders, perform the requested redactions and file a redacted version of the transcript with the clerk of court. The original unredacted transcript will be retained by the clerk of court in the confidential file. The unredacted transcript may be withdrawn from the office of the clerk of the trial court without an order of that court by pro se parties and by appellate counsel of record. The unredacted transcript shall also be available for transmission to the appellate court
For all civil transcripts and for all criminal trial transcripts when the case is appealed, court reporters of the district courts are required to provide either a key-word index or a PDF electronic file for all parties to assist in redaction efforts. Upon request, court reporters of the district courts shall provide either a key-word index or a PDF electronic file for other criminal transcripts.
In criminal cases, the prosecutor shall notify the court reporter of any information subject to redaction when that information becomes available. Counsel and the parties have a continuing obligation to inform the court reporter of information subject to redaction throughout the pendency of the case.
Court reporters shall redact information using the black-out method or other method that retains the same line and page numbers as the unredacted transcript.
In criminal cases, the prosecutor shall be responsible for ensuring redactions are requested for all mandatory transcripts.
Wyo. R. Prac. & P. 8
Created August 11, 2010; Effective January 1, 2011; amended March 13, 2018, effective June 1, 2018.