As amended through April 30, 2019
Rule 2 - Client Protection Fund Committee (a) The Wyoming Supreme Court shall appoint a Client Protection Fund Committee to administer the Client Protection Fund as hereinafter provided. (b) The Committee shall consist of nine members of the Wyoming State Bar, one member from each of the nine judicial districts. Members shall be appointed for terms of three years or until a successor has been appointed. Appointments shall be on a staggered basis so that the number of terms expiring shall be approximately the same each year. No members shall be appointed for more than two consecutive full terms, but members appointed for less than a full term (either originally or to fill a vacancy) may serve two full terms in addition to such part of a term. Each year the Committee shall designate one of its members to serve as Chair. (c) The Committee shall have the following powers and duties: (1) To receive, investigate, evaluate, determine and pay claims; (2) To promulgate rules of procedure not inconsistent with these Rules; (3) To educate the public and the bar about the Fund; (4) To prosecute claims for restitution to which the Fund is entitled; and (5) To perform other acts necessary or proper for the fulfillment of the purposes and effective administration of the Fund. (d) Members of the Committee shall be entitled to reimbursement by the Wyoming State Bar for reasonable travel, meals, lodging and other expenses incurred in the course of their official duties. (e) A Committee member who has or has had a lawyer-client relationship or a financial relationship with a claimant or lawyer who is the subject of a claim shall not participate in the investigation or adjudication of a claim involving that claimant or lawyer. A Committee member with a past or present relationship (other than that described in the preceding sentence) with a claimant or lawyer whose alleged conduct is the subject of the claim, or who has other potential conflicts of interest, shall disclose such relationship to the Committee and, if the Committee deems appropriate, that member shall not participate in any proceeding relating to such claim. (f) Wyoming State Bar staff shall be assigned to assist the Committee. The assigned staff shall have such administrative responsibilities as may be delegated by the Committee. Wyo. R. State Bar, Att'y Cond. & Prac. 2
Adopted by Order dated May 16, 2017, effective July 1, 2017.