W.Va. Trial. Ct. R. 3.02
As amended through December 16, 2024
When the judge enters the room for the purpose of opening court, the sheriff, deputy, or designated bailiff shall say in a distinct voice: 'silence, all present will arise. The Judge of the _______ Court of _______ County." Then the sheriff, deputy, or designated bailiff shall make the following proclamation: "Oyez! Oyez! Oyez! Silence is now commanded under pain of fine and imprisonment, while the Honorable Judge _______________ of the ____________ Court of ____________ County, is sitting. All persons having motions to make, pleadings to enter or actions to prosecute come forward and they shall be heard. God save the State of West Virginia and this Honorable Court."
W.Va. Trial. Ct. R. 3.02