W.Va. Trial. Ct. R. 15.04

As amended through December 16, 2024
Rule 15.04 - Filing and Service
(a) Except where otherwise provided, every e-filed document shall be e-served. Unless otherwise ordered, the e-service of a document, in accordance with these rules, shall be considered service under Rule 5 of the Rules of Civil Procedure. Electronic service shall be treated the same as service by mail for purposes of Rule 6(e) of the Rules of Civil Procedure.
(b) Parties who are granted a waiver under Trial Court Rule 15.06 shall be served in accordance with Rule 5 of the Rules of Civil Procedure, or by utilizing the U.S. Mail feature of the e-filing and service system.
(c) The Presiding Judge may direct the parties to provide a courtesy copy of filings to the Presiding Judge in accordance with Trial Court Rule 6.03, either by U.S. Mail or by utilizing the Courtesy Copy via U.S. Mail feature of the e-filing and service system.
(d) For documents that have been e-filed, the electronic version of the document constitutes the official court record, and e-filed documents have the same force and effect as documents filed by traditional means. Documents filed and served in accordance with these rules are deemed to be in compliance with Trial Court Rule 10.01.

W.Va. Trial. Ct. R. 15.04